About CoMetrics

Rosemary K. Mahoney
Board Chair
Rosemary is the former CEO of CoopMetrics. Prior to joining CoopMetrics, Rosemary worked as a consultant on international cooperative development projects and cooperative business development projects in the United States. She was a founding partner of MainStreet Cooperative Group, LLC, director of New Venture Development for Cooperative Solutions, LLC, executive director of Cooperative Development Services (CDS) and Regional Director for Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. At present, Rosemary serves on the boards of directors of the National Cooperative Business Association, National Cooperative Grocers Association Development Cooperative, Thanexus, Inc., The Cooperative Foundation and Capital Impact Partners. Rosemary formerly served on the boards of directors of the National Cooperative Bank, the National Cooperative Grocers Association, Cooperative Development Institute and CooperationWorks.